Friday, 12 April 2013

Dating Tips for Women for the First Date

First date could be everything to your relationship since successful first date will lead you to the next date and the next date, and even to the vow. These dating tips for women will help you to prepare your first date and understand what you should do on your first date. If you always fail on your first date or it had been a very long time from your last first date, you can refresh your mind and plan for the best first date of yourlife.

Dating Tips for Women: First Date Preparation

First impression is important so you need to look perfect. However, you should not look too excited and wear a mask. The first of dating tips for women, you need to show the real you and make yourself look elegant on your way. Choose a good dress that you rarely use on your daily and be sure not the dress you wore when you firstly met him. You need to look special but it is a date and not a gala so forget the long gown. Put a simple makeup and accessories but give a little bit more attraction on somewhere you want to catch his attention. For example, you love your eyes so much so put more on your eyes and let the other part of your face simple.
You need to prepare yourself early since you need to make it on time. Being late is a no for the very first date. The night before, you need to make sure your dress and anything you want to wear is ready. On the day, be sure your battery is full and the phone is on so he will not get a problem to call you. Before you go, re-check everything and make sure you look perfect.

Dating Tips for Women: On Your First Date

Before you meet him, you need to ensure that your phone is on but once you meet him, turn it off. From many dating tips for women, turn your phone off is very important since man does not like interruption and his ego says that woman should not more busy than him. On your first date, you need to understand man ego and let him lead. Actually, it is an advantage for you since it will reveal a little bit more about him. Then, it is very common that men will let woman to talk more but you need to let him talk. Be an active listener while showingyour interest to him. The last but very important is never drink too much and stay awake.



  1. Looking good for your first date with a man is extremely important to a woman. Beauty is something women take very seriously.

    Dating Tips for Women

  2. This was amazing advice - exactly what I needed to see right about now. Thank you!
    dating tips
